Xanax Overdose Symptoms

Xanax, a commonly abused prescription drug called benzodiazepine (benzos), is linked to more than 10,000 deaths annually in the United States. Overdose symptoms of Xanax are challenging to identify. This is due to the use of the drug exhibiting calming and sedative-like effects. Symptoms of Xanax overdose can begin within an hour of consuming Xanax…


Heroin Vs Fentanyl

Both alike and different in many ways, fentanyl and heroin, play a major role in the world of addiction. They are at the top of the list of most deadly and addictive substances. The issue of fentanyl vs. heroin is very common within the world of substance abuse, addiction, and rehabilitation treatment.   Heroin and fentanyl…


What is Carfentanil?

You have heard of opiates, you have heard of heroin, you may have heard of fentanyl, but what is carfentanil? Carfentanil is a synthetic opiate that is intended for use in huge animals only. It is considered so dangerous today because it is killing people. People are buying carfentanil and thinking that it is heroin.…


Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

When people hear the term alcoholic, we automatically assume that it is an individual who has hit rock bottom and has become homeless due to alcohol abuse. While that stereotype may be accurate, not all people with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) are unable to function normally in society. This is known as being a…
