am I an alcoholic

Am I an Alcoholic?

The one question that we get a lot here at  LA Detox is am I an alcoholic? The answer is, that depends on various biological (genetics), environmental, and social factors. Understanding and navigating the difference between being someone who drinks and classifying them as someone with a drinking problem (alcoholism) is complicated.  The question “Am…

woman experiencing symptoms of a xanax overdose

Xanax Overdose Symptoms

Xanax, a commonly abused prescription drug called benzodiazepine (benzos), is linked to more than 10,000 deaths annually in the United States. Overdose symptoms of Xanax are challenging to identify. This is due to the use of the drug exhibiting calming and sedative-like effects. Symptoms of Xanax overdose can begin within an hour of consuming Xanax…

young woman beginning to experience benzo withdrawal symptoms

Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

Doctors often prescribe benzodiazepines to treat anxiety, stress, panic and sleep disorders. However, you can quickly build up a tolerance to these substances. If you try to quit, you might also experience benzo withdrawal symptoms. Whether you were taking benzos as prescribed or misusing them, withdrawal can significantly impact your life. At a benzo detox…