Woman experiencing these dangers of mixing alcohol and benzos

Dangers of Mixing Alcohol With Benzos

Polysubstance abuse is a dangerous behavior that involves the intentional misuse of two or more drugs at the same time. There’s no such thing as safe polysubstance abuse, but some drug combinations – such as mixing benzos with alcohol – can be especially hazardous. What are the Dangers of Mixing Benzos With Alcohol? Before we…

Addictive drugs and their street names

List of Addictive Drugs and Their Street Names

With the exception of alcohol and (in some states) marijuana, recreational substance abuse typically involves either illegal drugs or illicitly diverted prescription medications. The underground nature of this behavior has led to the development of myriad slang terms for street drugs. For example, discussions about study buddies or disco biscuits may be less likely to…

Is Benadryl addictive?

Is Benadryl Addictive?

If you were to ask a group of people to name the first addictive substance they can think of, the odds of someone mentioning Benadryl are fairly slim. Is that because there’s no such thing as Benadryl addiction, or because most people don’t realize that Benadryl is addictive? What is Benadryl? Benadryl is an over-the-counter…

Woman wondering if Adderall does cause her depression or not

Connection Between Adderall and Depression

Could one of the most widely prescribed ADHD medications increase a person’s risk for harmful psychological side effects? In today’s post, we investigate an important question about a popular prescription drug: Does Adderall cause depression or other mental health challenges? History of Adderall The medication that we know as Adderall has been authorized for use…

Person with addiction to the drug krokodil

About the Drug Krokodil

If you’ve never encountered the drug called krokodil, consider yourself fortunate. This dangerous substance has the ability to cause grievous harm to anyone who uses it – and in recent years, reports of its presence in cities throughout the United States have become increasingly common. What is the Drug Called Krokodil? Krokodil (which is the…

What is Drug Paraphernalia?

Household Items Used as Drug Paraphernalia

If you think that someone you care about has been abusing substances, being able to identify drug paraphernalia can help you confirm your suspicions. This can be an important step toward connecting your loved one with professional help. What is Drug Paraphernalia? Drug paraphernalia is an extremely broad term that can be applied to a…

Man giving these encouraging words for someone in drug rehab

Encouraging Words For Someone Who is in Rehab

When someone that you care about becomes addicted to alcohol or another drug, it’s understandable to feel frustrated and helpless. And while you can’t cure your loved one’s substance use disorder, you can play an important role in their recovery efforts. Simply offering encouraging words for someone in rehab can make a tremendous positive impact…

Smart recovery vs AA meetings

SMART Recovery vs AA Meetings

SMART Recovery groups and AA meetings are two of the most widely known support resources for people who have been struggling with addictions to alcohol and other drugs. When you understand the similarities and differences between SMART Recovery vs. AA, you can make the most informed choice about which approach is right for you. What…

Wife wondering how to deal with husband and his drug addiction

How to Deal With Addiction in My Husband?

The impact of addiction extends far beyond the individuals who have become dependent on alcohol or other drugs. Spouses, partners, and children are among those who are most likely to also be negatively affected when people develop substance use disorders (which is the clinical term for addiction). Understanding how to deal with your husband and…