About Meth Psychosis

What is Meth Psychosis?

Meth, which is short for methamphetamine, is a powerful and dangerous stimulant. People who abuse this drug put themselves at risk for considerable harm, including a phenomenon called meth psychosis. Luckily, meth psychosis and addiction to this drug can be treated at a methamphetamine detox center such as ours. About Meth Psychosis Psychosis refers to…

How Long to Rewire the Brain From Addiction Woman Wonders

How Long to Rewire the Brain From Addiction?

What is neuroplasticity, and how long does it take to rewire your brain from addiction? Addiction can cause both functional and structural changes to your brain. When you end your substance abuse, your brain can begin to repair this damage. Clinicians refer to the brain’s ability to reorganize its internal connections as neuroplasticity. Informally, this…